Get Involved: Corporate Partnership
We are always keen to partner with local businesses, so if you’d like to enquire about doing so, please contact us at our Main Office.
Local firms, businesses and offices have been of tremendous support to us over the years in many different ways:
We have offices who have collected & donated food and clothes for us,
We have firms which make us their charity of the year,
We have been lent vans and drivers by companies,
We have teams of employees coming to sort donations of food or clothes,
We have colleagues running or cycling together to raise funds for us,
We have large donations of strawberries or eggs from local farmers,
We have produce donations from bakers and other retailers,
We have end of line products like toiletries from factories, and
We can also offer advertising space on our van for corporate sponsorship.
We are a deliberately small charity, trying to maintain a small footprint by helping to create opportunities and equip others to do the work of God’s Kingdom. This means that for the bulk of our work we depend on our brilliant, diverse and hard working team of volunteers.
In the same way that we are committed to providing help for anyone in need regardless of their background, belief, or outlook, we welcome volunteers from any background, belief, or outlook, as long as they themselves are happy with the Christian ethos of our charity. Of course, with specific volunteering roles such as helping to teach a Christian perspective on RE in schools, offering prayer to someone in need, or leading team devotions, we would only be asking trained and vetted Christian volunteers to undertake these tasks.